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Our Heritage

The Legend


According to a well-known legend, Noah planted the first vines in Armenia, in the valley at the foot of Mount Ararat. Known as the 'Cradle of Wine', Armenia is one of the oldest wine-producing nations in the world. Located in the Caucasus mountain range, Armenia is a country with a long history of viticulture and winemaking dating back over 6000 years.


The Origins​


In September 2010, respected researchers and archaeologists finished excavating the Areni-1 cave, first discovered in 2007, the Areni-1 cave is the oldest known winemaking facility in the world, located in the caves of Areni, Armenia, dating from approximately 4100 BCE, making Armenia the oldest known wine-producing nation in the world today. 


From antiquity to the present day, Armenia has a very deep and rich history of viticulture and winemaking bringing together old world and new world varietals. For more information on this rich history please visit the Vine and Wine Foundation of Armenia


The Legacy continued ...


The legacy of this deep and rich history of winemaking and viticulture continues today as Armenia experiences a renaissance of viticulture and winemaking. When you sample Armenian wine, you get a sense of the richness of the country and the warmth of the sun that ripens the apricots, pomegranates, and grapes of Armenia. 


Armenia holds a remarkable depth and diversity of cultural and natural landscapes. This diversity and richness are evident in music, cuisine, art, and increasingly Armenia’s rapidly developing wine industry. Wines filled with passion and history deserve to be known around the world because they carry a fragment of Armenian heritage that belongs to us all.


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